Veterans Park Ticket and Wristband Policy 2025
- Wristbands will be mailed in advance of the festival.
- All sales are FINAL – no refunds and no exchanges.
- Only wristbands purchased through Front Gate Tickets or our Festival Verified exchange are valid.
- If you purchased from an unauthorized source and/or the ticket is counterfeit, you will not be allowed entry.
- Wristbands MUST be worn securely on the wrist and cannot be slipped on and off.
- Wristbands must be scanned upon exit at the gate in order to re-enter that same day.
- Do NOT remove between days, stretch or tamper with your wristband in any way or you will not be allowed entry.
- Subsequent and/or multiple presentations of a counterfeited wristband are VOID and will be seized by Festival security staff.
- If your wristband is removed by Festival security/event staff for any reason, it WILL NOT be replaced.
- Wristbands that are damaged, lost or stolen can be replaced for the original purchaser, ONE TIME ONLY, for a $20 replacement fee
The wristband is a revocable license to attend the Festival and you, the Holder, are subject to the Festival policies and protocols. The Festival Producer reserves the right to revoke the wristband without refund at any time if Producer, in its sole discretion, finds that Holder is noncompliant with Festival protocols, is a safety risk, has violated any Producer or Venue policy or law, or may bring Producer or the Festival into disrepute. Holder voluntarily assumes all risks, hazards, and dangers incident to Holder attending the Festival, including the risk of personal injury and loss of or damage to Holder’s property. Holder releases Producer, its assignees, and the Venue from all liability associated with the access granted by Holder’s wristband at the Festival. Unlawful sale or attempted sale is prohibited. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of the wristband, in whole or in part, without the express written permission of the Festival Producer is strictly prohibited.